User Management:

The User Management Dashboard provides management staff with essential functionalities for overseeing staff members. It allows them to:

This comprehensive dashboard streamlines administrative tasks related to staff management and ensures efficient operations.

The Dashboard:

To begin, select the group you wish to edit.

Note: By “Group”, this is referring to the location and job role. For example, if a staff member is part of the “Service” team, simply select the “Service” group at the location relevant (In this case, “Demo” is the location and “Service” is the role):

Upon selecting a group, the page will load all courses assigned to that role as shown here:

Note: Clicking on a course name will redirect you to the course description.

After selecting a group, further down the page, a list of all current members of that location and role will be shown:

This section is where you can edit current users. The table shows the following current staff member information:
– First Name,
– Last Name,
– Email,
– Status (This shows if they still have unfinished courses on their account (“Not Started” = no courses complete, “In Progress” = Some courses are yet to be completed, “Complete” = All courses are complete.)

Add a New Staff Members:

Adding a Single member of Staff

To add a single new user, simply click “Users” and “Add One”:

This will bring up the following menu:

As shown, the menu asks for the following fields to be populated:
– First Name,
– Last Name,
– Email,
– Password (Leaving this field empty will generate a random password)

Filling in the information and pressing “Add User” will add the new member of staff to the location and role selected previously.

Adding Multiple Users:

At times, multiple users will need to be added at once, be this 5, 50 or 500 users, we have included multiple methods to accomplish this.

Method One:
Select “Users” and then “Add Multiple”, this will open the following menu:

This will allow for Bulk adding of multiple users, simply fill in the information and press “Add & Invite Users”.

Method Two:
This method requires a programme that allows editing of “.csv” files (Such as Microsoft’s Excel).
Select “Users” and then “Upload Users”, this will open the following menu:

This menu asks for the .csv file to bulk upload users. Clicking “Download a sample .csv file” will provide an example CSV file ready to be populated with user details. Once you have finished populating the .csv file, save it to your computer, select “Choose file” and select the example csv file followed by “Add users”. This will then process the .csv file and add the new users.

Edit Staff Details:

To edit an existing Staff member, simply click the users name and the following menu will appear:

This menu is exactly the same as the menu mentioned above. Simply make the relevant changes and press “Update User” once complete. (“Username” is the only new menu, this allows the login username to be changed from the default email).

Resetting Passwords:

To reset a users password, select the tick-box on the far left of the user you wish to reset:

After clicking the box, a selection of buttons will become available above:

Clicking “Send Password Reset” will send an email to the user with a password reset link (Ensure their email is correct!).

Removing Staff:

To remove a user, simply follow the above guide (click the box to the left and the new buttons will appear), then click “Remove User(s)”. This will pop up a warning asking “Are you sure” before removing the user from the group.
Note: Should you ever need to re-activate a user, simply follow the instructions to add a new user but instead, add the details for the account you wish to re-activate.

To remove multiple users, simply select multiple users before pressing “Remove User(s)”.

User Export:

Lastly, this Dashboard allows for the data displayed to be exported. Simply select “Users” and “Export CSV”. This will export a list of all users shown in the group as well as their current status (Not Started, In Progress, Complete).

Inspire has developed a new Supervisor Management feature, allowing for Directors and upper management to add and remove group leaders at will as well as monitor who can currently manage groups.

Group Leader Management:

This user guide is specific to our new “Supervisor Management” feature.

Getting Started:

Much the same as the User Management page, the “Supervisor Management” page is designed with the same process in mind. In fact, the new “Supervisor Page” is designed specifically to help bring full group control to Directors and upper management while maintaining ease of use and familiarity.

When viewing the new “Supervisor Management” page, the first thing you will notice is the group selector at the top of the page. This is where you select what location and specification you wish to edit (“Birmingham – Service”).

Once you have selected a group, under the group selector will be the “Group Courses”, this shows all courses assigned to that group. You can click on a course to go straight to a summary of that course and who it is intended for.

Further down the page, under the course list, you will see the Employee list. This is the same list from “User Management”, it has been included in this page to help bring ease of use and simplicity to users (So you don’t have to go to a different page just to change employees assigned to a group, it can all be done from the “Supervisor Management” page).

Below the Employee list, you will find the “Group Leaders”. This section shows all users who can view reporting tabs as well as add/edit/remove employees from that specific group.


Adding a Group Leader to only one group (“Birmingham – Service”):
To do this, simply go to the “Supervisor Management” page, select the “Birmingham – Service” group (Or whatever group you want them to manage), scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Group Leaders” section and click “Add Group Leader”. Fill in the information (First Name, Last Name, Email). If this user already exists on E-Workshop, the user will be granted extra permissions. Should the user not already exist, this will create the user for you.

Removing a Group Leader:
To remove the Group Leader, go to the “Supervisor Management” page, select the group they are a manager of, scroll to the bottom of the page and select their user (By ticking the little box on the far left of their name) and click “Remove Group Leader[s]”. This will remove the users additional permissions and remove them from that group.

Adding a user to multiple groups:
Should a user need permissions over multiple groups (Such as a Branch Manager or Area Manager) simply repeat the above process of “Adding a Group Leader“, repeating for each group the user needs permissions for.